Saturday 20 October 2012


    noun /ˈskeptik
    sceptics, plural; skeptics, plural
    1. A person inclined to question or doubt all accepted opinions

      • A person who doubts the truth of Christianity and other religions; an atheist or agnostic

        • An ancient or modern philosopher who denies the possibility of knowledge, or even rational belief, in some sphere

        Skepticism is like looking at a coin.

        A coin has of course two sides, heads and tails. When asking someone whether something/someone/etc is either true or false, right or wrong, good or evil, it is essentially like asking someone "heads or tails?" There is necessarily no right or wrong answer to the question/problem (though often there is one) but there are two ways to determine the answer,'a side' if you will. One way, which is unfortunately common in most societies, is to pick one often without looking at the coin, or even just to only look at one side at the coin, and never really give consideration to the other side. The other way, which I think is a much better way of deciding, is to look at both sides, analyse the possibilities, find the pro's and con's of both, and then choose. Every good skeptic will do this, most of the time they will be skeptical of a certain side at first, but they know that to find an answer, you have to always look at both sides of the same coin.

        There are over a million things to be skeptical about in the universe. I can pick so many to be critical about, and in the Information age with such sources like books, television and the internet, it isn't too difficult to find an answer. But I don't want to seem to be completely one sided, so if you do read this, I would like you to comment a question/problem, that you are skeptical about. It can be about anything concerning spiritual and supernatural beliefs, religion, science, history, politics, morality to even the laws of our societies(s). And just to show you I'm not lying, I will show all the sources about the facts concerning whatever your question(s)/problem(s) may be, websites, scenes/clips and even books. Please note that I don't wish to be condescending towards anyone and I'm not here to prove anyone wrong or right, it is your choice to not believe me, all I'm saying that I will find the truths and fallacies as best I can. If what I say offends, then I'm sorry, but I advise that you visit somewhere else in the near future if you do happen to take offence.

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